Debby Johnson: Nigerian Lady In The US Army (Pics)

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Gender : Male Posts : 209
Points : 442
Total Likes : 18

PostAdmin Tue Feb 21, 2017 1:49 pm

Her name is Deborah Johnson and she is a new recruit in the US Army...

The pretty soldier who had her secondary school education at the Royal Crown High School, Iju Ishaga, Lagos said in one of her posts that before she joined the US Army "It was a tough decision for her deciding to be in the active duty, but after she sworn, she knew she was in, no going back and she don't regret it."

Debby Johnson: Nigerian Lady In The US Army (Pics)  4895906_instaimage42_jpeg075f2f5e08684c8cd6521931bbf267e6
Debby Johnson: Nigerian Lady In The US Army (Pics)  4895916_instaimage44_jpeg2a6b9435bc92e450ee6db86b80e80ffe
Debby Johnson: Nigerian Lady In The US Army (Pics)  4895920_instaimage54_jpeg17d96babb0d2079c506ab1d1a01623ea
Debby Johnson: Nigerian Lady In The US Army (Pics)  4895926_instaimage29_jpeg377e554e5abb1910142113ad09639b7a

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