5 Delicious Dishes From Across Africa (PHOTOS)

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Gender : Female Posts : 27
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PostIgboistReporter Wed Mar 14, 2018 3:22 pm

When traveling Africa, you do not need to worry about what to eat as the continent offers a potpourri of delicious foods. This should not be a surprise considering Africa’s colorful cultural heritage which has influenced what we eat for decades. As such, Jumia Food shares some of the delicious and popular foods you must try in Africa.

Nyama Choma, Kenya

5 Delicious Dishes From Across Africa (PHOTOS) Unnamed10
Kenya is a popular African travel destination and one of the foods you must not miss on a visit to the country is Nyama Choma (roasted meat). Kenyans love nyama choma, and it is the preferred means of celebrating birthdays, weddings and visiting guests.

Bunny chow, South Africa

5 Delicious Dishes From Across Africa (PHOTOS) Unnamed11
Bunny chow is a South African dish consisting of a hollowed out loaf of bread filled with curry. It is a treasured South African street food. It is available as takeaways in all major cities, but to get the best bunnies you have to go to Durban.

Shakshouka, North Africa

5 Delicious Dishes From Across Africa (PHOTOS) Unnamed12
Shakshouka is a delicious dish made with eggs, parsley, onions, garlic and tomatoes. The eggs are poached in the sauce made with other ingredients and spiced with cumin. It is mostly consumed in North Africa in countries like Tunisia, Libya, Algeria and Egypt.

Jollof Rice, Nigeria

5 Delicious Dishes From Across Africa (PHOTOS) Unnamed13
Jollof Rice is Nigeria’s most popular cuisine. This single cuisine has led to intense spat between Nigerians and Ghanaians on which country prepare the best Jollof. Your visit to Nigeria is incomplete without tasting Jollof. You can visit Jumia Food to check out restaurants you can order Jollof from.

Cholent, Morocco

5 Delicious Dishes From Across Africa (PHOTOS) Unnamed14
Cholent is a traditional Jewish dish usually made with sliced potatoes, beans, meat stew, barley, onions and flavoured seasoning. The food is cooked overnight for close to 12 hours and eaten on Shabbat for lunch. You will find this delicious dish in Morocco.

Source: 5 Delicious Dishes From Across Africa

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